As Valentine's Day rolled by yet again for another year's chance to splurge on chocolates and pretty cards, I was reminded of the reason human beings were created.
God created us to love one another, to be unified and "be there" for each other.
More and more I'm realizing just how powerful and necessary it is for us to be encouragement for each other. And fellowship with one another. To stand up and fight for each other.
Phillipians 3:10 talks about "sharing in sufferings". People always talk as if suffering only occurs every once in awhile...but everyone suffers every day in some way or another. And I think its so wonderful how God created all of us, in a way that we can share in each others sufferings and go through things together. I mean isn't that God's whole purpose and delight in marriage? That two people can work through the tough things in life hand-in-hand. Or that the church be united and work together, because that is what brings God glory...
thanks for the nice words on my blog! so you're saying you're cool with evolution?